Clough Road Park
Hull, HU5 1SP


The subject property is situated approximately 2 miles north of Hull city centre, with a prominent frontage to the A1165 Clough road. Clough Road is a well established hub for retail, leisure, and commercial businesses. The area accommodates a mix of retail warehousing, industrial, and residential. Occupants in the vicinity include Mecca Bingo, Halfords, Currys, Go Outdoors, and Jewsons.


Unit 1 (14,060 sq ft), formerly Carpetright, is available.

Use Class


Car Park

238 car parking spaces in front of the Tapi Carpets and Dunelm and 154 car parking spaces in front JD Gyms.


  • Unitsq ftsq mTenant
  • 1 14,060 1,306 To Let
  • 2 9,605 892 Tapi Carpets
  • 4 34,867 3,239 Dunelm
  • 4-6 29,949 2,782 JD Sports

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