Riverside Retail Park
Nottingham, NG2 1RU
Tenants include B&Q Warehouse, Argos Extra, Boots, Next, Toys R Us and Outfit.
10,194 sq ft to let and 10,020 sq ft to let.
B&Q – Regeared long term.
Next – Regeared long term.
Poundland – Opened flagship store for new format
JD Sports/Food Warehouse/Home Bargains – acquired in to expand critical mass of retail park.
Two new Drive Thru’s under offer subject to planning.
Use Class
BlackRock UK Property FundParking
325,628 Catchment within a 15 minute drive time.
9th Largest urban area in the UK.
1.17b Estimated total spend by Convenience / Comparison Goods.
- Unitsq ftsq mTenant
- 1 101,580 9,437 B&Q
- 2 10,204 948 Boots
- 3 10,194 947 To Let
- 4 10,000 929 Next
- 5 10,020 931 To Let
- 6 23,922 2,222 Poundland
- 7 8,568 795 JD Sports
Charlie McIntosh 0207 199 29740791 757 5377 charlie@cspretail.com View Linkedin
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