Solihull Retail Park
Solihull, B90 4LD
Retailers include Currys, Pets at Home, Halfords, Hobbycraft, SCS and Carpetright. Adjacent to Sainsbury’s, Sears Retail Park and Solihull Gate Retail Park.
Use Class
A1Total Units
The total population within a 20 minute drive time is 384,604. The catchment has higher than average incomes of £50,000 and above. The three main resident profiles for Solihull are, B Prestige Positions (Established families in large detached homes living upmarket lifestyle), N Urban Cohesion (Settled urban communities with strong sense of identity), E Senior Security (Elderly people with assets who are enjoying a comfortable retirement). 72% of houses within the catchment are owner occupied.
Anchor Tenants
- B&Q, Currys/PC World
- Unitsq ftsq mTenant
- G2 16,691 1,550 B&M
- G1 7,072 657 Dreams
- F 8,662 805 Pets at Home
- E 12,594 1,170 Halfords
- D3 7,798 724 Hobbycraft
- D1 9,020 838 ScS
- D2 8,015 745 To Let
- C 52,000 4,831 Currys
- A/B 57,010 5,296 B&Q
- H1 1,550 144 Starbucks
- H2 610 57 Subway
Luke Sowerby 0207 199 297707584 245 664
James Curson 0207 199 297907500 060 800
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